Flextrine Tutorial – CRUD in a simple Flex 4 address book: Setting up the server_
Aug 03, 2010

Before using Flextrine you need to do some groundwork to get your project ready.

  1. Download the latest version of Flextrine from https://code.google.com/p/flextrine2/downloads/list
  2. Install the Flextrine manager.  This is as simple as copying the manager directory from the Flextrine download into a web-accessible directory.  For the purposes of the tutorial I will assume that you have set the URL pointing at this document root as http://localhost/flextrinemanager.  Note that you will require mod_rewrite to be enabled on your webserver for the manager to function correctly.
  3. Install the Flextrine server side libraries.  These are contained in the flextrine/web/lib directory of the the Flextrine download.  All you need to do to install these is to copy* flextrine/web/lib* to a directory in your PHP include_path, or ammend the include_path to include the flextrine/web/lib directory.  Note that if you don’t want to change your include_path you can set it explicitly after the next step by uncommenting the $flextrineIncludePAth line in config.php of your project (see **https://code.google.com/p/flextrine2/wiki/GettingStarted* for more details).*
  4. Install the latest version of Doctrine 2 from https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/orm/download.  Doctrine 2 is the technology that Flextrine is based upon and required for its operation.  The easiest way to install Doctrine is to merely extract the package into flextrine/web/lib as this is already in your PHP include_path.  Alternatively you can add a new entry to your include_path pointing to Doctrine.
  5. Create an empty server-side Flextrine project.  The Flextrine download contains a blank project in flextrine/web/flextrineproject which will be your starting point.  Copy this to a new directory on your machine and make this directory web accessible.  For the purposes of this tutorial I will assume that you have set the URL pointing to this directory as http://localhost/contacts and will refer to the directory as the Flextrine server side component.
  6. Create a new MySQL database called contacts.
  7. In your Flextrine server side component *open up *config.php and set the database connection options in the $connectionOptions variable.

Note that next time you start a new Flextrine projects you only need to do steps 5 – 6 as steps 1 – 4 only need to be done once.

Now we are ready to use Flextrine!  The next step is to create some entities.